Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Western Holiday

Part two of the winter holiday is well under way.

Flew in on the weekend, had a fantastic time with some paddling friends that hosted me for the first little bit. Sadly no pics but great memories, I'll see them tonight at a canoe club workout I believe.

Chilling here in Calgary at the moment before for we head out for an afternoon at the climbing gym.

Yesterday I finally got back on the slopes for the first time since grade 8 (about 14 yrs!) Needless to say I was a freakin out a little. First time skiing on a mountain too (quite different than the 'hills' in Ontario!). After staying on my feet getting off the chair lift the first time and making it down the hill, it all started coming back to me for the most part. Hit a couple black diamonds (didn't know that's what they were until I was down it already).
But loved it all!
Had a great group of folks with me to share the thrills and laughs with. Made some new friends.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas the night before Christmas ....

...and all through the house we sat round the living room. Ranger snoozing on the floor, mom snoozing on the couch, Martini and dad cuddling in the chair ... what a cute scene.

I had a perfect day today. Saw my doc, went to the gym, made lunch, went back out to get one last thing for Christmas, long bath with epson salts, then read myself into a nice nap till dinner ... doesn't get much better than that!

I've had a lot of time to reflect the past couple days. To reflect on how lucky I am to be doing what I'm doing. To think about all the people that have touched my life in the past year. From diabetes, to paddling, to teaching and coaching, so many people have been there to support me, to encourage me and to assist me in my journey back to life.
And what a journey it has been!
Physically, I've got my diabetes pretty much under control. The folks at TRIDEC and ANIMAS have been phenomenal in their assistance with that. I also have reached a point where I'm finally comfortable in my body again. I finally feel strong and confident for the first time in almost 5 years.
Emotionally, I'm happier than I've ever been. My friendships have grown stronger, new ones have flourished and my relationship with my folks is stronger than ever. Makes it easy to go to sleep with a smile knowing that so many people care about you.
Intellectially, excited to start some new courses, loving all the research I'm doing on diabetes and kids, reading for pleasure again, it's great!
Socially, started some new sports, meeting some new people and challenging myself in new ways.

I remember an essay that I wrote back in high school for a scholarship application about the key to happiness in life being the balance between your physical, intellectial, social and emotional self. Wow how words come back around 10 years later!

Happy Holidays to everyone and thanks to all the folks in my life ... I wouldn't be where I am without each and every one of you!

Monday, December 22, 2008

On holidays!!!!

After much anticipation, the holidays are finally here! I put my tree up at home the first week of December. It looks kinda pretty with the fireplace and all. The mantle is now covered in Christmas cards (thanks folks!) so I'll have to take a new pic.

I'm back home with my parents for a little while before I go on another adventure. Mom had the trees up and whole house decorated by the time I got home. I swear it gets more and more extravagant every year ... I love it!

A lot has happened this month. I've started climbing with a coworker and absolutely love it!
I submitted my papers for a Leave of Absence. For those that don't know what that means, it's now official that I WON'T be teaching for TDSB next school year. I'll be embarking on my greatest adventure yet. And to assist me in funding that venture ... well, I recieved confirmation from the BC College of Teachers that I am now qualified to teach there for the next 5 years! And if I want a permanent certificate then I have to take some English courses ... damn you Waterloo and lack of English requirements! Now that I have the BC stuff I'll get the Alberta application ready to go in the new year just to keep as many options open as possible. Who knows, I could end up working at a bar somewhere serving drunks to pay my training/traveling bills!

Also this month, I've continued my training with the Premier Womens National Dragon Boat Team. I haven't been named to the team yet but hope my hard work pays off. It's been about 8 weeks now that I've been on a structured plan for the first time since I left Waterloo four years ago. We held a fundraising raffle and I sold the winning ticket for the pair of Leaf tix vs. Ottawa ... go me :)

Don't know what it is about the holidays but it's so easy to go to bed early! This year ... didn't even bother to bring the school bag out of my office. Don't get me wrong, there's work to be done but experience has told me, no work will get done so why bother!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow

Here we are in December now, I've been off the water for four weeks! Time seems to be flying by though as I always seem to have stuff to do. Workouts have been going well for the past 7 weeks. Only last week was an off week for me. Fighting off getting sick and was just crazy tired. I was active everyday but no good hard workouts except Monday. Back on the bandwagon this weekend though with the first group weight session with the Premier Women.

Pool paddling started 3 weeks ago along with climbing 2 weeks ago. Makes for a crazy week with pool paddling 1x/wk, yoga 1x/wk, climbing 2-3x/wk, running 2-3x/wk, ball hockey 1-2x/wk and now weights 3-4x/wk. Somewhere in there theres time for rest!

Got a pic for new motivation the other day from Kathleen of the muscle women in Kona. Seeing what I looked like after just a summer of paddling ... wonder what I'll be like by that time next summer with the added training!

My fun activity these days seems to be the climbing. Samji got me back into it a few weeks ago and I love it. My hands aren't liking me for it at the moment as I climbed yesterday and today but it'll all be worth it.

As the holidays approach I can't help but get excited to hit the skys again and see friends that I made this summer. Also to explore a new city where I may spend more time next fall as my big adventure begins.

But for now, it's time for ball hockey playoffs!
Stanley out!